July 13, 2017
Financial eligibility for legal aid changes–who qualifies?
Since April 17, 2017, new
Legal Aid Act regulations have changed the way the
New Brunswick Legal Aid Services Commission(NBLASC) evaluates financial eligibility for legal assistance. No longer are they basing their decision on an applicant’s disposable income. According to Section 11 of the new regulations, financial eligibility and applicant contribution levels are evaluated using grids defining income brackets by household size.
Click here to see the NBLASC Financial Eligibility Grid.
According to the NBLASC, the new criteria for financial eligibility will improve the delivery of legal services. Among other things, the new scheme is helping potential applicants to self-screen financial eligibility, minimizing documentation required from applicants, and speeding up the application process. Of course, applicants must still have a family or criminal law matter that falls within Legal Aid’s scope of service.