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Family Law NB Family Law NB Family Law NB - Online resources for the public

About This Site

This website is created, maintained, and administered by the Public Legal Education and Information Service of New Brunswick (PLEIS-NB).  PLEIS-NB is a registered charity.  Our mandate is to develop bilingual educational products and services about the law for the general public in order to promote access to the legal system.  Be sure to visit our home website at www.legal-info-legale.nb.ca.

PLEIS-NB receives core funding and in-kind support from the Department of Justice Canada, the New Brunswick Law Foundation and the New Brunswick Office of the Attorney General.  Each year we also apply for project funding from a variety of sources including federal and provincial government funds, foundations and others to help support special initiatives.

The Family Law NB website was developed in collaboration with an advisory committee of family law experts and front line stakeholders. PLEIS-NB conducted interviews, focus groups and surveys with court staff, members of the judiciary, family law lawyers, legal aid lawyers, pro bono clinic staff, and front line organizations whose clients are dealing with family law issues. We particularly wish to thank Court Services Division of the New Brunswick Department of Justice and Consumer Affairs for their support. This website was developed with project funding from Justice Canada.

Please note that our publications and website contain general information about the law. This is not a complete statement of the law on particular topics. We try to update our publications often, but laws change frequently so it is important for you to check to make sure the information is up to date. The information in our publications is not a substitute for legal advice. To receive legal advice about your specific situation, you need to speak to a lawyer.

As a registered charity, PLEIS-NB appreciates any donations that you would care to make to help us with our publication work, our speaker’s bureau, video lending library, family law, family violence awareness, youth justice, and many special projects. You can contact us directly at pleisnb@web.ca to donate to a specific program. We would be pleased to provide a tax-deductible receipt for your charitable donation.

Or you can click on the button below to make a donation to PLEIS-NB through CanadaHelps. We are registered with CanadaHelps and any donation you make to PLEIS-NB will be instantly transferred to us and they will instantly issue you an official tax receipt. You will find the donate button throughout our website – please consider supporting us. Remember, an unknown right is no right at all. Thank you.

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Family Law Information Video
Family Law Information Line
Family Law Workshops
Ask an Expert Videos
FAQs about Family Law
Going to Court
Family Law Forms
Family Law Publications
Find a Lawyer / Get Help
Self-Help Guides
Parenting After Separation
Parent Information Program
Court Evaluations Support
quick links header

Doing Your Own Divorce

Applying For Parenting and Support Orders

Changing Child Support - Orders made in NB

Changing Child Support - Orders made
outside NB

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What’s New
About This Site
Ask An Expert Videos

Living Common-Law
Separation and Divorce
Marital Property
Custody and Access
Child Support
Spousal Support
Support Enforcement
Staying Out Of Court
Representing Yourself
Other Issues


Going To Court
English or French?
Presenting Your Case in Court
Preparing for Your Court Hearing
The Day Of Your Hearing
Tips for the Court Hearing
After the Hearing

Family Law Forms
Printing & Completing Forms
Custody, Access and Support
Changing an Order
Interjurisdictional Support Orders
Consent Order
Court-Ordered Evaluations Support Program
Family Law Forms for Saint John and Moncton


Family Law Publications
Family Law for Immigrants
Child and Spousal Support
Child Support Recalculation Service
Parenting After Separation
Divorce and Separation
Support Enforcement
Family Violence
Other Materials

Find a Lawyer/Get Help
Family Law Information Video
You and Your Lawyer
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Get Help (Domestic Legal Aid)
Legal Advice Clinics

Self-Help Guides


Parenting After Separation
Online Parent Information Program (PIP)
(formerly known as For the Sake of the Children)

Family Law Information Line


Public Legal Education and Information
Service of New Brunswick

  P.O. Box 6000, Fredericton
New Brunswick, Canada E3B 5H1
  Telephone: (506) 453-5369
Family Law Line: 1-888-236-2444